Datafication and automation
Linear business models are a thing of the past. Networked business models are the future and require high-quality master data. Companies failing to realize this in the digital transformation era will soon run into difficulties, making automation more difficult or even preventing it.
RAMPF Production Systems GmbH & Co.KG were quick to recognize this and established a practicable innovation strategy with a process excellence approach. This in-volved detailed analysis around document management, data traceability and change numbers, as well as BOM management and BOM information. Transferring and processing BOMs from the ECAD system was particularly time-consuming and error-prone, as much of it was being done manually.
Approach: Linking electrical engineering
An effective option was provided by the software-based ECTR interface between SAP and Eplan, developed by Cideon and marketed via SAP. To achieve maximum benefit for customers, consultancy and implementation are always carried out by Cideon on an individual customer basis. Consultancy always involves listening to customers to enable interface functions to be optimally matched to customer requirements. At Rampf, electrical engineering was linked to the SAP ECTR to enable project and BOM management. Interface functionality was also expanded to implement specific customer requirements for BOM extraction as well as for material creation.