CIDEON Software | Lösungen Autodesk & SAP


The NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP (NEA) develops and produces piston compressors, grinding and classify-ing systems as well as complete plants for the com-pression of air and gases in industrial applications. The Group is overhauling its IT landscape to further expand its pioneering technological role. Using SAP ERP and SAP PLM means greater world-wide accessibility to plant-engineering expertise, accelerates order processing and simultaneously eliminates much of the risk of errors.

Integrated SAP ERP/PLM system for shorter processing times in plant engineering

Innovation has a very long tradition at NEA. The beginnings of the family-run company based near Aachen, Germany, date back more than 180 years to the time of the (first) industrial revolution. NEA is now a global group of companies with around 1,000 employees whose core expertise include the manufacturing of compressors for air and technical gases. NEA are able to produce innovative products in the shortest possible time due to their skilled employees and an innovation-friendly corporate culture. “We specialize in delivering exceptional applications so we need to keep one step ahead of the current state of technology,” stresses Karl-Josef Kremers, head of plant engineering at NEA Germany.

NEA Compressor Technology (CT), which employs around 270 people in plant engineering, has six engineering locations in six countries worldwide. Their task is to plan and design the system technology around piston compressors, to procure accessories and to supply customers with turnkey systems for their processing needs. “Engineering is always carried out under the supervision of the local NEA company. This benefits our customers because purchased parts such as coolers, engines, filters, etc. comply with local standards and are known and available locally,” says Kremers. 


Standardizing the IT landscape

Like other plant and system engineers, NEA faces the challenge of developing customized systems within short deadlines. Synergy effects are gained through a constant sharing of knowledge between the sites, so  at NEA, the wheel requires inventing only once. NEA reduces engineering effort by partially standardizing specific product components and globally standardizing tools, methods and processes.

“Standardizing and networking the IT landscape is the key,” stresses Kremers. “On the one hand, we want to share information and expertise at the sites independently of specific customer projects. On the other hand, we also want the experience and capabilities of the individual sites to be available for cross-location projects”. As part of standardizing the IT landscape, NEA replaced an older ERP system which, despite being state-of-the-art, was no longer able to meet the growing demands of  the corporate structure. SAP ERP was then implemented. With SAP software as a basis, the company also implemented, with support from Cideon, the integrated SAP PLM solution which manages CAD data and documents throughout the process. The aim of the integration is to interlink technical and logistical business processes more closely and shorten order processing times.

The “single source of truth”  approach also means the company will benefit from a higher reusability level of existing drawings and documents when planning and budgeting new projects. In addition to replacing the ERP system, a new CAD software solution was sought for the worldwide engineering locations because the existing system’s provider intended to discontinue support in Europe.

After detailed evaluation of the plant engineering CAD systems avail-able on the market, the Autodesk Plant Design Suite was chosen because it best met requirements. Mike Gorgas, project manager responsible for the introduction of SAP PLM said the key criteria were comprehensive 2D/3D functionality, the provider needed to be a global operator, the cost-benefit prognosis was good as well as integration options to the SAP world. “The specific benefits of integrating CAD and SAP only became apparent to us after implementing projects with Cideon,” adds Kremers.

Read more about the project between Neuman & Esser Group and Cideon in the reference report:

Einführung SAP ERP/PLM bei der NEA Group


NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP (NEA) is a technologically leading manufacturer of piston compressors, grinding and classi-fying systems as well as complete systems for the compression of air and technical gases. NEA products are used in a variety of applications in the oil and gas sector,  the chemical and petrochemical industry, the food industry and in the renewable en- ergy sector. The family-run business, founded over 180 years ago and head-quartered near Aachen, Germany, is a global player with 24 operating companies in ten countries around the world. NEA employs around 1,000 people worldwide, about a third of whom work in plant and systems engineering. A dedicated R&D department ensures products undergo continuous development and market needs are being met.

Ann-Kathrin Fritsche, Customer Success Manager

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Ablösung PDM-Altsystem (Productstream Professional) im laufenden Betrieb, Aufbereitung der Konstruktionsdaten, Prozesssicherheit bei Kollaborationsszenarien intern/extern, Erfassung und Wiederverwendung von Konstruktionswissen, Automatisierung nicht wertschöpfender Tätigkeiten, Zukunftssicherheit.

Automatisierung CIDEON


Substitution PDM-Altsystem durch konstruktionsnahes Autodesk Vault.



Intuitive und einfache Datenverwaltung und -verwendung durch die Konstrukteure, Einsatz CIDEON Add-Ons für mehr Datenkonsistenz und kürzere Projektlaufzeiten.

Zusammenarbeit CIDEON

CIDEON Leistung

Ganzheitliche Unterstützung bei Systemauswahl, agile Projektierung bei PDMEinführung, PDM-Integration, Datenmigration, Customizing, Schulung und Support.

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