CIDEON Software | Lösungen Autodesk & SAP

Success Story Flottweg SE

Going from a PDM process to a fully-integrated PLM process was at the top of Flottweg’s agenda, which also included converting the 3D CAD system. To integrate engineering data with the SAP system, the SAP Engineering Control Center (ECTR) was implemented in collaboration with Cideon as the process consultant and software developer. ECTR also served as a basis for integrating engineering processes with upstream and downstream logistics processes while ensuring Flottweg’s entire IT system landscape underwent consolidation and harmonization.

From PDM to PLM

Flottweg stands by its “Engineered For Your Success” motto and has 60 years of experience of separation technology and top product quality, Made in Germany. The medium-sized company’s success is based on expertise, responsibility and respect. Such a corporate approach ensures Flottweg’s all-round process and application know-how as well as solutions tailored to customer needs, aspects that equally apply to Cideon. Since the launch of an innovative product data management (PDM) system, Flottweg had been able to significantly reduce the time required to manage its engineering data. This took place Cideon and Flottweg: In the top 3 with ECTR via the PDM system function for processing all engineering information, data and procedures – everything centrally in one place. As part of its digital transformation towards a connected value creation and production process, Flottweg, together with its process consultant Cideon, then opted to take the next logical step without compromising the already achieved level in digital engineering. The aim was to standardize the tried-and-tested PDM process, including the CAD system, and to develop it into a fully integrated product lifecycle management (PLM) process.

Flottweg Hauptsitz

Fully integrated SAP PLM process

“Process efficiency requires process integration,” explains Stefan Winzer, process consultant at Cideon, adding: “Implementing SAP ECTR improves how departments and processes work together.” However, this often requires the IT system landscape to undergo consolidation and harmonization. A good way to achieve this at Flottweg was therefore standardizing different CAD and PDM systems and implementing the SAP Engineering Control Center (ECTR). What makes ECTR so special? “ECTR enables all cloud or ‘on premise’ engineering data to be integrated into SAP PLM, quickly and securely linking it to an organization’s business data. Engineering processes are also optimally supported, and any downstream processes can also be directly integrated into SAP,” explains the process consultant from Cideon.

Flottweg Düsenseparator

Read more about the project between Flottweg SE and Cideon in the reference report:

Flottweg Hauptgebäude bei Nacht

Flottweg SE

The Flottweg Group, headquartered in Vilsbiburg, Lower Bavaria, are leading specialists in separation technology. The medium-sized, family-run company is globally regarded as a top-quality centrifuge manufacturer for mechanical separation technology. The decanters, separators and belt presses used for this purpose are all made in Germany. All Flottweg products enable highly efficient manufacturing as well as top quality end products. Well-known companies, corporations and institutions all over the world are using Flottweg’s separation technology. With 1,100 staff worldwide, including around 900 at its headquarters in Vilsbiburg, the mechanical engineering company is one of the most popular employers in Germany’s greater Landshut region. For more information, visit

Ann-Kathrin Fritsche, Customer Success Manager

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Our Solutions for SAP Users

Werkzeuge CIDEON


Ablösung PDM-Altsystem (Productstream Professional) im laufenden Betrieb, Aufbereitung der Konstruktionsdaten, Prozesssicherheit bei Kollaborationsszenarien intern/extern, Erfassung und Wiederverwendung von Konstruktionswissen, Automatisierung nicht wertschöpfender Tätigkeiten, Zukunftssicherheit.

Automatisierung CIDEON


Substitution PDM-Altsystem durch konstruktionsnahes Autodesk Vault.



Intuitive und einfache Datenverwaltung und -verwendung durch die Konstrukteure, Einsatz CIDEON Add-Ons für mehr Datenkonsistenz und kürzere Projektlaufzeiten.

Zusammenarbeit CIDEON

CIDEON Leistung

Ganzheitliche Unterstützung bei Systemauswahl, agile Projektierung bei PDMEinführung, PDM-Integration, Datenmigration, Customizing, Schulung und Support.

Qualität CIDEON


Durchgängige und sichere Prozesse, höhere Datenqualität, kürzere Projektlaufzeiten, Steuerungsmöglichkeit von Konstruktionsprozessen, Unterstützung von verteilten Teams.

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